Monday, July 14, 2014

Who Am I?

Okay, so, once again, I'm going to apologize for the tardiness of the REVAMP segment. I feel like the weeks are just getting crazier as the summer goes on. Not only for me, but also for Bria and Caylin. 

So! I'm sorry that this isn't the post you were probably expecting. But! Don't go anywhere, for I was given some awesome insight yesterday when I went to church that I would like to share with all of you....

Who am I?

When some read that, they think of the song "Who Am I?" from Les Miserables. It sort of popped into my head too, I'll admit it. I could hear Hugh Jackman singing this phrase super intensely before belting out: "24601!" LOL, but I'm digressing.

I feel like this is a question I ask myself daily. Some days I think I'm one person, other days, I feel like someone else. It's not like I change my personality in front of different people or anything (I used to play that game in middle school. Yeah, not fun and will never play it ever again), but I'm just lost when it comes to who I am, what my personality really is.

I know my name. I know my ethnicity and family background. I know where I came from, where I am now. I know what I like, what I don't like. I know who my friends are. I know I'm a Christian, what church I go to. I know I'm a junior in college, an English major, psychology minor. 

But, I still don't know, ya know?

For instance, I say I'm a writer. I just feel like a writer, as I write for my blog, or for fun or in my journal. The next day, I feel like a traveler. I just wanna get out. See the world. Be in a place where I don't know anyone and where no one knows me. That same day, I'll feel like a dancer. The right music gets me moving, and I think about how much Bria and I love to memorize KPOP dances and go to Zumba during the school year. 

Am I the only person who feels like this?

Well, yesterday at church, Pastor Ritchie preached a message focused on Ephesians 1 titled "Identity Crisis." Totally fitting for the moods I've been in this summer, the questions of who I really am floating through my mind constantly. I'm gonna try to go through some of the main points of the message, but it definitely won't be as good as Pastor Ritchie preaching it straight to you, I can tell you that much!

Basically, what I got from yesterday was this: I not only was I reminded of who I am, but also of what I have. 

First of all though, it's good to point out that who I am and what I have is all through Christ. Without that main point, I really wouldn't know anything about who I am or what I've been given. 

So, this is what I learned yesterday:

***What do I have/what have I been given?:

- "every spiritual blessing" (v. 3): Pastor Ritchie pointed out here that just because the verse says "every spiritual blessing", it doesn't mean that God doesn't give us both spiritual and material blessings. Too many times we think of God's blessings as only spiritual, when He's blessed us materially as well!

- "redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses" (v. 7): because of His sacrifice, we are redeemed and forgiven of our sins!

- "an inheritance" (v. 11): when Jesus comes back to earth, we Christians, as His children, will be co-heirs with Him on the new earth for 1000 years!

- "sealed with the promised Holy Spirit" (v. 13): once we heard the Gospel and believed it, we were given the Holy Spirit, who now resides inside of us. Pastor Ritchie said that sometimes people say that they wish they could go back to Old Testament times so they could communicate with God one-on-one and actually see the Holy Spirit...but we can see the Holy Spirit inside of every day Christians today. Of course, not physically see the Spirit, but we interact with it every time we come in contact with a fellow brother- or sister-in-Christ.


Well, if we look at the above section, it kind of speaks for itself...

I am a Christian, therefore, through Christ...

I am blessed abundantly.
I am redeemed and forgiven.
I am a co-heir of the kingdom to come.
I am a temple for the Holy Spirit.

And if I can focus the core of who I am on all of these things, I'll be able to trust God when it comes to my identity or personality regarding things like writing, traveling, or dancing.

But if you ask me, those three things seem rather insignificant when I look at the bigger picture.

I hope you all are reminded of who you are and what you've been given through Christ. Even though with every day life can distract us from remembering this, it is a comfort and an encouragement to know that our identity isn't based off of those things. Work, school, a career path, a hobby, friends, family, etc. - NONE of these things define who you are, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ.

Look to Him for your identity. And I can guaratnee you that you will like what you see far better when you focus on Him than on other things.

I love you all! I hope you have an amazing week! I'll definitely try to post something revamp-ish this week or this weekend! Thanks for bearing with me!

luv ya!
~ Mishy (^^) <3

1 comment:

  1. Don't bottle yourself up with one label. Bust it open! Be a dancer who writes while she travels. Expand your mind. ex. Teach English overseas in countries that need an English teacher. Write for a Travel magazine. I Love you! Don't look down a tunnel at the light, look at the wide open sky!


Your comments are read and appreciated! :)