Saturday, August 23, 2014

WHOA. - An Update + My Main Focus for My Junior Year of College.

So, this past week has been pure CHAOS. Beautiful, time-consuming chaos.

Last Friday was my last time working at in the Facilities department at my school. It was a great day. I definitely miss the people I work with, but thankfully most of them go to school with me and live on campus so that's awesome!

I moved in that Sunday night and setup my side of the room because the next day I started O-Team (Orientation Team) training. It's been an exhausting week, but it's also been filled with excitement! I've gone to meetings, met up with my Core Team, gone out to eat, planned things, helped move new students on campus in, etc.

Even though I've been so busy with everything going on at my school, I've been so amazed at how awesome it all has been. Already I can see God working in the lives of the leaders, the new students and their families, the entire campus really. And it is so wonderful!

All of that is seriously the tip of the iceberg. There is so much that I've learned within this past week that I'd love to write about and tell you all about, but I can't really explain it all. To be honest, I haven't really processed it all. 

There is however, a main theme I'm focusing on this year that I wanna share with y'all...and that is LOVE.

We see it everywhere, whether it's among family, friends, couples, etc. But I wanna focus on love within the body of Christ. Right now, especially, on my college campus. I have witnessed and have been an example of so much judgment, ostracism, and dislike toward one another. And yet we say we are the body of Christ and that we are brothers and sisters in Christ.

I'm definitely not saying that we can't have different likes and interests, but we shouldn't have hatred toward each other just because someone dresses differently, has different music tastes, lives in a certain building, or hangs out with a certain group of people. I've been thinking a lot about how much I, myself, have judged people around me. And yet, I don't want to be judged by anyone else.

And so, I am praying that the Lord just guides me in loving the people around me more. I know it's going to be super hard and I'm going to be presented with more opportunities to learn to love. But I am also praying that the Lord prepares my heart for those opportunities. 

I am SO EXCITED for this year, guys. Like you have no idea! 

I hope you all are doing well! So sorry I haven't been present lately! I know some of you have already started school again and some of you are starting soon. I start this upcoming Thursday! Ahh, I'm not sure if I'm ready for that! But I'll be praying that the Lord keeps you as you start school and that He would just show you what areas you need to grow in to become more like Him!

I love you all! I'll talk to you soon, hopefully!

luv ya!
~ Mishy. <3

P.S. My REVAMP posts will be on hiatus for the school year (my friends and I have gotten most of the things we've needed to complete our revamps) UNLESS someone wants to email me their own personal revamp, I'm totally willing to post it during the year! :D 

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